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Come Together

Until human beings understand and believe that we are one with everything in the universe, we will continue our painful trajectory as warring tribes. We currently believe we are separate from everything outside of ourselves. This is a lie we have been taught since birth. We are shown imaginary lines on maps of the globe separating countries and states. These lines do not exist. We just drew them with art supplies. We make lists to identify and categorize nationalities, races, sexes, trees, animals, elements, likes, dislikes, etc. We pretend to protect ourselves building imaginary walls across borders and the landscape of our hearts. We write songs about stardust and love, but we don't fully embrace the idea of these vibrational energies as a life force that unites every single thing on the planet and across the universe. The idea of separation is an illusion. As soon as we wake up to the truth that we are all connected, we will no longer have the desire to harm, because we will understand we are basically harming ourselves.

How is it possible to "take sides" when we live on a planet that is round. A circle is whole and complete. It is unified and part of the universe, as are we. We are one living source of loving energy. We have forgotten why we are here. We were born in and of love to complete a mission on this planet with the intention to heal ourselves and each other. If you are not focusing your attention on healing yourself and therefore in turn healing the planet, then you are off course and failing your initial intention for coming here in the first place. There is no "I" in TEAM. Get with the program people!

Every negative thought we have in our mind and heart hurts us and those around us. Every negative action we participate in hurts us and others across the globe. Every positive thought we have spreads the vibration of love. Every positive action we take heals ourselves and the world at large. We are so powerful we aren't even aware of our own strength. In fact, some of us are afraid of our power and we stay in our lanes and keep our lives small not wanting to make waves or take risks, denying our unrealized potential and gifts. We have the power to change our lives and the world. But instead we hide behind imaginary lines and stand on either side with our different signs shouting nonsense at each other.

There are only two states we can be in, one of love and one of fear. Every day we choose which one we want to be in and it affects our reality. Choose love and we choose an existence where there are no lines, no sides, no borders, no obstacles, no wars, no violence, no nonsense. Choose fear and we continue to believe in the illusion of separation and we remain stuck in a cycle of pain.

When in doubt, listen to The Beatles. They seemed to be tuned in to the Universal Radio Waves

- All You Need is Love, Imagine, We Can Work it Out, Let it Be, With a Little Help from My Friends, Come Together-



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 Tara O'Grady

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